Glen Lerner Attorneys Partnership

Hope Works is able to continue work in Woodlawn through the partnership of our community. We are so grateful for the investment from local businesses in our mission. Recently, Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys partnered with us by making a donation. The announcement from the firm is below.

The lawyers at Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys recently had the honor of contributing to the Hope Works Community Development, an organization that helps provide job seekers with necessary tools to interview successfully in the Woodlawn community. Glen Lerner’s donation directly helped Hope Works meet with 19 individuals to prepare them with interviews. The staff at Hope Works was able to help update resumes, practice interviewing, and even provide five individuals with professional clothing from Glen Lerner’s clothes drive. Three of these individuals were offered jobs throughout Chicago!

The firm was proud to support such an important cause. The life transformations that are made possible through the hardworking staff is just one of the many reasons the Chicago personal injury lawyers support Hope Works Chicago.

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